Know the symptoms. Get checked. Take action this Awareness Month!

Bowel cancer is the second-highest cause of cancer death in New Zealand, but it shouldn’t be – it’s beatable and treatable if diagnosed early enough.

Check your symptoms

Don’t delay – take the first step to prevent bowel cancer!
Check your symptoms here →

Raise Awareness

Help spread the word and save lives from bowel cancer this June! 
Learn more →

Take Action Now

We need YOUR help to change bowel cancer outcomes!
Take action →

Start fundraising

Help beat bowel cancer! Support patients and our mahi today.
Start fundraising →

Help Spread the Word

Download our resources to help raise awareness this June.
These include posters, social media tiles, banners and an email signature to empower you to spread word this Awareness Month. Whether in your workplace, marae, sports club, or retirement village, you can make a difference.

Check Your Symptoms

Bowel cancer is 90% curable if caught early, so do our quick symptoms checker today! Check the boxes that apply, send them to yourself, then show the email to your GP.

Symptoms can come and go, so don’t wait if you have any bowel concerns, no matter what age you are.

Take Action Now

Take action this month and email or write to your local MPs, our Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and the Health Minister Dr Shane Reti.

Urge them to ACT NOW and save lives! To do what the government promised – to lower the bowel screening age and fund new bowel cancer drugs.


Your gift will be put to work immediately, raising our voice to reach more people to know the symptoms of bowel cancer and get checked and treated early. Your gift will help us make the loudest noise we can all year round.

Donate today to help us in our mission to save lives from bowel cancer.

Start Fundraising Today

We need YOU to help raise funds and awareness this June for Bowel Cancer Awareness Month. There are many ways to do this – you could hold an awareness fundraiser at your workplace, marae, or social club (see ideas here), or you could challenge yourself to complete a physical challenge. 

With your support, we hope to raise $100,000 to help more Kiwis beat bowel cancer now and in the future.