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Our latest news articles

The National government has confirmed that 26 cancer treatments will be funded. This is just the first step; time is of the essence – months can seem like a lifetime to those who need these drugs.
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Bowel Cancer NZ is proud of the role we've played in providing the NZ public with an option to purchase a private screening test.
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Bowel cancer patients have already been waiting for 22 years, the last time a new medicine was funded to treat them.
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Kiwis are urged to learn the symptoms and take action this June for Awareness Month.
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Bowel cancer patient advocate speaks at the opening of the two-day New Zealand Medicine Access Summit in Parliament.
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Significantly more is needed from Pharmac as incremental change will not address medicines currently sitting on the options for funding list.
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We want to clarify the concerns raised about ’spoilt’ bowel screening samples being discarded.
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Is delivering meals to a cancer patient actually helpful? Here are some more advice on how best to support patients – from patients.
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A collective of health charities has welcomed the announcement by Health NZ to introduce changes to the National Travel Assistance (NTA) Scheme.
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“Let me know what you need.” Something we have all said, but can be one of the most frustrating things to hear as a cancer patient.  
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Rachael Ferguson was 32 years old when diagnosed with bowel cancer. She is determined to stop this from happening to more young people...
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Our ambassador and former Tall Black Alex Pledger spoke to Dom Harvey, reflecting on his bowel cancer journey and where he is now.
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Kiwi nutritionist Nikki Hart speaks to us about the importance of fibre in the diet and its connection to lowering the risk of bowel cancer.
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This year, on World Cancer Day, we call on the government to act on their election promise to lower the screening age to 45.
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ANZ New Zealand showcased our charity in a heartwarming video and article with bowel cancer patient Tamsyn Cornwall and our nurse.
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Bowel Cancer NZ ambassador Dean Barker shares how he is doing mentally and physically in his bowel cancer journey.
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Our 2022/2023 Impact Report illustrates how with your support, we have kept patients at the forefront of everything we do.
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We’re doing 12 days of gratitude this Christmas to share our mahi and the incredible support we received in 2023.
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RHCNZ Medical Imaging Group Partners with Bowel Cancer New Zealand to Promote Early Detection and Awareness.
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La Mère Diana is named after the creator's mother who passed away from bowel cancer. $1 from every bottle will go to Bowel Cancer NZ.
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Doug is a bowel cancer patient and vocal advocate for men’s health. He has been sharing his story, treatment and symptoms on social media.
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We are supporting a campaign to ensure that the National Travel Assistance (NTA) Scheme works better for patients and whānau.
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"I've put together some tips that might make getting through the holiday season a little easier..."
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Dai speaks bravely and openly about the emotional rollercoaster of his diagnosis and chemo.
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The University of Otago provided the opportunity for a patient voice with the Live Human Tissue Model Network.
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A commitment to lowering the bowel screening age is only the first step.
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NZ's leading cancer charities has issued an urgent call ahead of the election, to take action on cancer.
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Patient advocate organisations tackle the issue of investment and timely access to new medicines.
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Dai Henwood was diagnosed with bowel cancer in April 2020 and says, "Cancer doesn't define me. How I respond to it defines me."
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We urge the Government to pause the Therapeutic Products Bill and to consult with the various organisations affected.
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New Zealand sailing legend and bowel cancer survivor Dean Barker is encouraging Kiwis to join him and help kick bowel cancer in the butt this June.
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Our 2021/2022 Impact Report is now available and highlights our key activities over the year and what your support helped us achieve.
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Kiwis with bowel cancer do not have access to potentially life-extending treatments due to Pharmac’s funding process.
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Bowel Cancer NZ sponsor, CottonSofts, now lists potential bowel cancer symptoms on new packaging to save lives!
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A diagnosis costs in more ways than just the physical and emotional; there is also a financial burden. Financial assistance is now available.
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We’re proud to be research partners with The Mallaghan Institute Of Medical Research and K9 Medical Detection.
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Worrying delays face younger patients in accessing much-needed diagnostic bowel screening.
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Bowel cancer in young people is increasing and greater awareness about the significance of its symptoms in this group is urgently needed.
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"If by sharing my story, I can help just one person to go and get checked out early, then it will be worth it.”
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The bowel screening age for Māori and Pasifika people will be lowered from 60 to 50 years old starting in 2023.
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June 2022 is bowel cancer awareness month, and Bowel Cancer New Zealand's annual Move Your Butt challenge.
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The report released today by Te Aho o Te Kahu (the Cancer Control Agency) is a small step in the right direction, but there is still a long way to go.
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Surgery was a success and I'm out of ICU and feeling good. Great team of surgeons, doctors and nurses here taking care of me.
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Targeted drugs for metastatic bowel cancer aren’t funded in New Zealand. Why are Kiwis being denied access to these medicines?
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Jenny-May lost her brother to bowel cancer at age 54, so she knows first hand how important it is to seek help early.
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Nitrates in drinking water are highly unlikely to increase the risk of bowel cancer in NZ, according to the current weight of evidence.
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Bowel Cancer NZ is concerned about barriers to timely diagnosis of colorectal cancer by people in the Southern DHB.
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It's estimated within the next decade 1 in 10 colon cancers and 1 in 4 rectal cancers will be diagnosed in adults younger than 50 years.
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We are calling on the Prime Minister to adopt the same hard-line, “zero tolerance” approach to cancer deaths that she is to COVID.
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While it is important we lockdown to help control the delta variant, we also need to continue to progress investigation and treatment for cancer patients
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We are calling on the Prime Minister to adopt the same hard-line, “zero tolerance” approach to cancer deaths that she is to COVID.
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We’re proud to be contributing $60,0000 towards a Kaupapa Māori Qualitative Study.
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Bowel Cancer NZ is disappointed that funding for PHARMAC was less than half the amount requested.
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We are calling on the Prime Minister to adopt the same hard-line, “zero tolerance” approach to cancer deaths that she is to COVID.
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Victoria, our bowel cancer nurse, has had a busy year attending meetings and events to raise awareness of the symptoms of bowel cancer.
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Not long after Rachael was diagnosed, all she wanted to do was create more awareness around bowel cancer.
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Kevin Biggar’s life was touched by bowel cancer when his Mum died. As a motivational speaker and adventurer, he’s determined to spread the word and get Kiwis talking about it.
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After suffering from IBD for 22 years, Tamsyn was diagnosed with bowel cancer at just 31. Despite going through chemo, she’s doing the challenge to raise awareness and inspire others.
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We call on the Ministry of Health to prove equitable health care is a priority for the government on World Cancer Day.
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As we dealt with COVID-19 here in NZ, cancer screening and testing declined. But don’t wait. Contact your doctor. Get checked.
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Covid-19 impacted our funding, but it certainly didn't slow us down in 2020.
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This four-year study was the first to specifically examine the role of diet as a cause of bowel cancer in NZ.
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Our communications manager has been selected to share her personal insights.
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We're really pleased with how our Never Too Young article looks in MediBoard NZ's very first edition.
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Bum Huggers is a project we've released in collaboration with Great Full NZ where all profits go to our charity.
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Cancer is the leading cause of death in New Zealand. This year, 23,000 New Zealanders will be diagnosed with cancer and 10,000 will die.
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The campaign is running this August, in memory of 4 brave young people who appeared in the 2018 campaign and have sadly passed away since.
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Bowel Cancer NZ is proud to be supporting this study by the University of Technology, Sydney.
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A group of bowel cancer patients has put together a nationwide campaign highlighting that you are never too young for bowel cancer.
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June 2020 is bowel cancer awareness month – and it’s also our annual Move your Butt fundraiser.
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Emma Purchase's gorgeous husband Chris, the father to her two children, tragically passed away at the end of February from stage 4 bowel cancer. 
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Former Black Caps fast bowler and cricket commentator Simon Doull and his wife Liana have become Bowel Cancer NZ ambassadors.
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Jane Lowe's experience of nearly losing her mother to bowel cancer has left her determined to help more Kiwis prevent and beat bowel cancer.
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Edwin Lim has several very moving reasons to get involved in this year’s Move your Butt challenge.
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“The government is turning its back on hundreds of New Zealanders in their fifties, condemning many to an unnecessarily early grave.”
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Deborah (Debbie) Mary Fitzpatrick passed away on 27 June 2019 after a 2 ½ year battle with bowel cancer.
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Bowel cancer survivor and registered nurse, Kirsty Wing, is representing the patient / public perspective on the Bowel Screening Advisory Group
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Our chairperson Trisha Cooney recently attended the MedTech Showcase in Parliament, hosted by the Minister of Health.
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Bowel Cancer New Zealand is critical of how long the nationwide rollout has taken, and how long it will continue to take for the remaining half of New Zealand to get access to life-saving bowel screening.
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Bowel Cancer New Zealand is pleased to see the bowel screening programme finally rolled out to half of New Zealand’s 20 DHBs.
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In 2018 a Clinical Nurse Specialist at Mercy Hospital co-designed an animated video with a talented group of students at Otago Polytech.
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Like waves hitting rocks, bouncing off and then returning once again is how wide the cancer impact feels...
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Bowel Cancer New Zealand welcomes the Government’s announcement yesterday of a national control agency and a funding boost for Pharmac.
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Nat would be shouting at us from the heavens. She was the MOST competitive, feisty, hearty, mouthy (netball) player you'd find. 
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I’m not someone who usually does this sort of thing, but this cause is just too important to ignore.
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For father-of-three Mike Heiler staying alive meant packing up his family's life in Wanaka and moving five hours away to Christchurch.
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Our amazing current leader on the Move your Butt fundraising leaderboard, Evie, is planning to ‘plant a tree pose’ every day in June.
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Well, as the beginning of the challenge nears I find myself in an awkward situation.  Am I going to be ready to start?  
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This May, four amazing people all who had lost someone incredibly important to them due to bowel cancer, trekked the Great Wall of China.
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This equates to a total of 100 repetitions, representing the 100 lives that will be lost in June from this disease. Read more here.
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It's days like today that make something harder than it should be. Beaten by that dreaded word again BOWEL CANCER.
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I have only just sent out emails to friends telling them what I am doing and have been amazed at the support that I have had back already.
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Nigel Latta, TV host, author and psychologist, is getting behind the Move your Butt challenge in June. Read more here.
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Nutritionist, media commentator and mother, Claire Turnbull, is taking on the Move your Butt challenge to help more Kiwis beat bowel cancer.
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Sports commentator, Jenny-May Clarkson, is taking on the Move your Butt challenge this June to help more Kiwis beat bowel cancer.
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Professor Frank Frizelle is a bowel cancer specialist, Professor of Surgery and the Editor in Chief of the New Zealand medical journey.
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You've signed up for the Challenge and feeling great - but now you’ve got to start preparing to Move that Butt!
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I signed on to the Move your Butt challenge and it’s all on! I’m doing it for Nat, my best friend and sister who I lost to bowel cancer.
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So I’ve signed up for this challenge.  No big deal I think!  But…it is a big deal.  I have long wanted to work with Bowel Cancer NZ. 
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Ann Bradley is adamant that she’s going to participate in Move your Butt month - partly for her fitness, but primarily to help spread the word.
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So, you’ve signed up to Move your Butt? Make sure you include these must-haves on your fundraising page. More here:
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Burpees for Bowel Cancer is my Move your Butt challenge and I’m making steady progress. So far I’m managing 16 burpees a day. More here:
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Britt Chambers is a huge supporter of Bowel Cancer New Zealand and a true inspiration to us all.
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At 38, I was fit and healthy, and diagnosed with bowel cancer. I was treated with surgery followed by 6 months of chemotherapy. More here:
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I’m passionate about doing the Move your Butt challenge this June as my father died of bowel cancer when I was 16. More here:
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Dionne and her family are challenging themselves to do 100 squats a day for the Move your Butt challenge in June. Read more here:
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Her doctor recommended an ultrasound , which led to a Stage 3 diagnosis where cancer was found in her bowel and lymph nodes. More here:
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Here are just some of the ways your help has enabled Bowel Cancer New Zealand to make real change happen. Read more here:
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Bowel Cancer NZ wants to see an urgent investigation into the "wide variation" in mortality rates following bowel cancer surgery across the country, as revealed in the 2019 Bowel Cancer Quality Improvement Report.
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The doctor literally saved my life. 10 days later I had my colonoscopy and they found a 5cm tumour low down in my bowel.
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CANGO has adopted a position on improving the access to new cancer medicines and treatments in New Zealand. Read more here:
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My oncologist, with all family present, then told me I had stage 4 bowel cancer that had metastasised to my liver and lung. More here:
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“Unacceptable” disparities between New Zealand’s DHBs for cancer outcomes has experts calling for a new national agency. More here:
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The Southland father says he’s been let down by the public health system that fails to hold DHBs to account for life-threatening wait times.
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For years an elite cyclist’s stomach pain was put down to food intolerances. Now, Brittnea Chambers has been told her cancer is terminal.
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“We have been calling for the government to increase workforce capacity since 2010 and yet nothing has been done to address these concerns."
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Hira Renata received an invitation to participate in the National Bowel Screening Programme this year and it may have saved his life.
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This quirky book is ideal for road-trippers, people looking for a unique coffee-table book for those seeking that uniquely different gift!
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Health officials are trying to curb the high rate of bowel cancer deaths among Pasifika people by encouraging them to take screening tests.
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Bowel Cancer New Zealand funded a study earlier this year to research the pathways to diagnosis for bowel cancer patients. More here:
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The Ministry of Health is being urged to review a bowel cancer screening decision, to reduce health inequity. Read more here:
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A Bowel Cancer NZ funded study is the first to present bowel cancer patients’ perspectives and experiences of the pathways to diagnosis.
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Hawke’s Bay DHB will join the National Bowel Screening Programme in October offering free bowel screening to eligible 60 to 74 year-olds.
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Everyone should be able to expect a timely bowel cancer diagnosis no matter where they live in NZ, whether that is Auckland or Northland.
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Bowel Cancer New Zealand has been calling for an increase in colonoscopies and endoscopists for nearly a decade now. Read more:
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She had surgery followed by chemo but suffered from cardio-toxicity from the chemo drug, known as 5-FU. Read more here:
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Frank has been awarded one of the highest honours, an honourary fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Read more here:
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More than 150 people took the chance to walk through our huge inflatable colon and chat to health experts last week. Read more here:
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The Dunedin 37-year-old is dying from bowel cancer, and wants to spend the time she has left alerting people to the signs of the disease.
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A person was diagnosed with bowel cancer more than 3 years after they should have been invited to take part in a free screening programme.
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Bowel screening information should tell people how to get their actual reading, Bowel Cancer New Zealand says. Read more here:
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The 79-year-old Cooper’s Beach resident was at home last week recovering from a second bout of surgery to remove a tumour. Read more:
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Health Minister Dr David Clark is welcoming the introduction of the National Bowel Screening Programme in Nelson Marlborough DHB today.
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Positive step forward for bowel cancer screening Bowel Cancer New Zealand is pleased the Ministry of Health has accepted the series of recommendations from the bowel screening review, and looks forward to working with the Ministry going forward.
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The Health Minister has delivered a new set of recommendations to strengthen the rollout of the national bowel cancer screening programme.
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Cottonsoft Ltd has recently added a few new products to their awesome portfolio.  Last year they launched EarthSmart toilet tissue. Read more:
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From August 14, free bowel cancer screening will be offered across Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough for people aged between 60 and 74 years-old.
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As bowel screening programmes continue rolling out across the country, a cancer survivor is urging people to get on board. Read more:
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Why does NZ have one of the highest incidences of bowel cancer in the world and why does the southern district have some of the highest rates?
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Southlanders on Tuesday 26th of June helped to open the conversation surrounding one of the country’s most prevalent diseases. Read more:
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More Māori and Pasifika people are likely to die of bowel cancer than any other ethnic group in New Zealand, according to a recent study.
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Don’t be afraid to talk about poos and bums – it just might save your life, bowel cancer survivors say. Read more here:
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A University of Otago Christchurch research team found the common and usually helpful gut bug, bacteroides fragilis, is toxic in some people.
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Her son’s story showed bowel cancer, often perceived as an older person’s disease, could strike at any age. Read more here:
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Pacific and Māori people with bowel cancer tended to seek medical help at a later stage, so were treated when the cancer was more advanced.
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Tune into TVNZ News on the new gastroenterology unit that has now opened in Dunedin. Find out more about this story here:
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Dunedin Hospital’s new gastroenterology department is expected to help a region with one of the highest bowel cancer mortality rates in NZ.
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We are calling on the Prime Minister to adopt the same hard-line, “zero tolerance” approach to cancer deaths that she is to COVID.
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Lambourne is joining nine “young” Kiwis in the Never Too Young campaign, which aims to raise awareness of bowel cancer among younger people.
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Two Kiwi celebs have taken on the challenge of the 2018 Saint Clair Vineyard Half Marathon in a battle against bowel cancer.
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The national bowel cancer screening programme has begun in the Southern District Health Board region. Read more here:
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We are calling on the Prime Minister to adopt the same hard-line, “zero tolerance” approach to cancer deaths that she is to COVID.
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Hundreds of New Zealanders missed out on potentially life-saving bowel cancer screening because of another problem with sending invitations.
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Friends Fiona Laing and Natalie Savigny are taking on the challenge of walking the entire 152km to raise money and awareness. Read more:
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We have one of the highest rates of bowel cancer deaths in the Western world: in NZ 40% of sufferers die from the disease. Read more:
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About eight lives have already been saved in Hutt Valley and Wairarapa by bowel screening, according to experts. Read more:
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We are calling on the Prime Minister to adopt the same hard-line, “zero tolerance” approach to cancer deaths that she is to COVID.
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We believe people who return positive tests with bowel screening kits should be able to get direct access to publicly funded colonoscopies.
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All the best to Brit Chambers who will be running in the Ports of Auckland Round the Bays this coming Sunday! Read more here:
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Three people developed bowel cancer with one whom died after 2500 Waitemata residents weren't invited to a screening due to a computer glitch.
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One Dunedin man is incredibly grateful, after taking a simple test saved his life. And he wants to encourage others to do the same.
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The Southern DHB are now a little bit further ahead in terms of being able to provide a screening programme.
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Could a simple blood test help us detect bowel cancer? Trialed on more that 1000 people already diagnosed with cancer the results look good.
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It is possible that psychological interventions could improve the quality of life of people who have had bowel cancer.
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Amit H. Sachdev and Frank G. Gress share some of the best ways to prevent colon cancer. Find out more here.
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A new study suggests probiotics and cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, could be a powerful recipe in the fight against bowel cancer.
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When Kevin and Kay Small experienced identical symptoms at the same time, they both thought that they had eaten too many oysters on holiday.
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Powerful stories are emerging in our study of bowel cancer sufferers that will highlight symptoms people often ignore. Read more here:
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The 40-year-old also hoped to raise awareness about the syndrome, which affects between three and five per cent of Kiwis. Read more here:
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Mat and his wife Kristy setup an Everyday Hero fundraising page and Mat ran the NYC Marathon in Rosco’s memory. Read more here:
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Craig has shared his story with us after his beloved sister Megs passed away in 2013 from Bowel Cancer. Read more here:
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For a number of bowel cancer patients, a well-functioning stoma is more preferable than a bowel that is not functioning well. Read more:
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The more alcohol you drink, the more likely you are to develop at least seven types of cancer, oncologists warn. Read more here:
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Scientists say they have ‘completely’ cured bowel cancer using a pioneering form of immunotherapy. Read more here:
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With everyone’s amazing efforts we managed to fundraise over $18,942.00, which will go a long way to helping us continue our mission.
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A programme to detect and treat bowel cancer early could help save the lives of Māori who are often reluctant to engage with health services.
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Research in the UK shows how important an early diagnosis is for simplifying the treatment options as much as possible. Read more:
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For the Auckland Marathon, we have an amazing team of runners and supporters and among them is a team “Running for Ruth”. Read more:
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October is a nationwide celebration of cheesemaking. And I’m sure you are all wondering why we are talking about cheese! Read more here:
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Abnormal number twos can be an early indicator of serious health issues such as bowel cancer or Crohn's disease. Read more here:
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Jenna is dusting off her running shoes to raise awareness for bowel cancer by running in the ASB Auckland Marathon. Read more here:
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New Zealand Cancer Society medical director Chris Jackson agreed it was an exciting area of emerging research. Read more here:
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This year the team at Cottonsoft in Auckland baked cakes and their colleagues at the Dunedin site decided to hold a Pizza-Off … yummy!
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It might be perceived as an older person’s illness, but Adele Kinghan was fit, healthy, and 25 when she was diagnosed with bowel cancer.
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Demand for colonoscopies could put the national bowel screening programme at risk if participants were given full test results. Read more:
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CANGO are asking all political parties to commit to cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, research and survivorship. Read more:
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A big shout out to the Papakura Sea Eagles Rugby League Club for their generous donation of $3,000 to Bowel Cancer New Zealand!
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Bowel cancer kills 1200 kiwis a year. For men its as common as prostate cancer, for women, as common as breast cancer. Read more:
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After five years of trialing and planning, New Zealand starts to see bowel screening introduced to the wider population this month.
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National bowel-screening programme will begin its roll out in the Wairarapa and Hutt Valley. Find out more here:
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The 39-year-old Christchurch mother was checked by her GP, who found nothing but referred her for a colonoscopy. Read more:
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Canterbury Charity Hospital and St George’s Hospital are offering a free clinic to help diagnose bowel cancer. Read more:
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Bowel Cancer NZ are delighted that Trade Me are on board to help us raise awareness for our annual Bowel Cancer Awareness Month.
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It could have been so easy to ignore it, to think the pain would have cleared in a day or two. Read more here:
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This week is National Volunteer Week and the theme for this year is “Live, laugh, share — Volunteer” or “Kia ringa hora: Me mahi tūao.”
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I had the colonoscopy and the Dr broke to me the news that I had bowel cancer and I was to see him at his surgery the next day.
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We are super stoked that we have totally SMASHED our goal of fundraising $50,000 at the recent Saint Clair Vineyard Half. Read more:
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Auckland woman Kim Girbin reported stomach pains to her GP for three years before a shock diagnosis of terminal bowel cancer in June.
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Bowel Cancer NZ executive member Sarah Derrett talks with Kirsty Wing and Natalie Reynolds about their experiences with bowel cancer.
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In August 2014 I was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer, which had spread to lymph nodes up the left hand side of my body to my neck.
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“Today’s announcement will begin to turn around our world-worst bowel cancer death rates”, says Sarah Derrett. Read more here:
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Doctors are calling for the Government to announce plans for a staged rollout of nationwide bowel cancer screening in this month’s Budget.
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At 33 weeks pregnant with her second child, the last thing a young Feilding mother expected was to be diagnosed with bowel cancer.
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Researchers estimated about 12 percent of New Zealand deaths from cancer within five years of diagnosis could be avoided. Read more here:
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We are calling on the Prime Minister to adopt the same hard-line, “zero tolerance” approach to cancer deaths that she is to COVID.
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The Cancer Society says the Government should implement the proposed national bowel cancer screening programme. Read more here:
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The 35-year-old is way outside the screening age band, had no family history and a healthy, active lifestyle. Read more here:
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Bowel Cancer New Zealand believes screening using sigmoidoscopy is a distraction from the pressing need for a national screening program.
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A woman who biked right through chemotherapy will take on one of off-road cycling’s ultimate challenges – the Karapoti Classic.
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