Personal stories of those affected by bowel cancer

Read the personal stories of New Zealanders living with bowel cancer, and their families and supporters

Young people (under 50)

"In ED we were told my wife has bowel cancer that had spread to the liver, and it didn’t look curable..."
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"Without chemo my oncologist gave me 10% chance of survival. With chemo, a 30% chance..."
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"I am 42 years old, with two kids (11 and 13) who very much still need their mum..."
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"At 24 weeks pregnant I was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer..."
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"I was diagnosed in November 2021 with stage 3 sigmoid colon cancer. My children were 6, 4 and 3."
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"...not in my wildest dreams did I believe I would get a cancer diagnosis."
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"After my diagnosis, my GP called me... 'I'm sorry, cancer never crossed my mind because of your age.'"
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"What is harder than cancer? Having to tell your loved ones that you have cancer..."
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I started needing to move my bowels several times a day and to the point of urgency...
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I was by myself with the surgeon when I was diagnosed... my cancer was caused by a mutated gene...
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A massive stage 3 tumour was discovered with surgery 4 weeks later. If it wasn’t for my doctor...
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When I turned to flush I noticed something in my poop that looked like dark red lines...
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I was diagnosed at the age of 26, with stage 3B bowel cancer, while I was 28 weeks pregnant...
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It’s a scary thing to be told you have Cancer. I was 44, owned a busy cafe, I was a Mum, and a Wife...
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My sister was staying with us, saying I had to go to the doctor cos I was in so much pain...
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I was diagnosed at the age of 33. I still remember the conversation with the specialist, my husband Josh and I sat there in disbelief.
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I'll never forget Heath's reply…' But you can fix it, right?' All the colour drained from the room and from our world...
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As I stood there at the edge of the lake with my toes in the freezing cold water, I was scared, excited and grateful...
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I had been told I could be lactose intolerant or have IBS and also tested for celiac disease and colitis. All negative...
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I was diagnosed with Bowel Cancer back in 2016 when I was 36 years old. I'd been having mild symptoms for...
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I had been having blood in my stool for about a year before my diagnosis. When I first noticed the blood, it was only small...
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My husband Cliff was 41 when finally diagnosed. He had been fobbed off for about 18 months being told he was too young...
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My second child was 18 months old and my first visit to the GP I was told, “I was a busy mum with two young children”.
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Everywhere I have been, the recurring theme is that I’m just too young. But I’m hearing of more young people getting it...
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I am a busy and active Mum of two toddlers and receiving a Bowel Cancer diagnosis in early 2023 was quite a surprise!
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My husband Willy, 35-years young, was the most genuine man you could ever meet, a real family man and friend to many people.
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There's a saying "Life begins at 40" but for me it was very nearly the end of my life. Not long after my 40th Birthday celebration...
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"Dan started getting some pains before and after using the loo about a year ago, he didn't think anything of it, as it would come and go.
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“It was just absolutely devastating... It was just, ‘How can this be possible?’ I felt like the world had tipped upside down.”
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After my diagnosis, all I really wanted was to hear the experiences of women just like me - so here’s my story for you.
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I was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer aged 29. Cancer is never a straight journey - it's filled with ups and downs & loop de loops.
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I should have seen my Dr about it a long time ago, but I was naive and thought it was nothing... if I’d just listened to my instincts.
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I’m getting back to feeling full of life after radiation, chemo & losing 60cm of my plumbing... your bum is worth getting checked.
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I’m a singer who writes nice, thoughtful songs. But cancer isn’t polite or thoughtful, it doesn’t worry about offending anyone.
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Battling this cancer has been a struggle. I need unfunded drugs, I'm now trying to buy more time with my family.
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Diagnosed with bowel cancer aged 44, with a 30% chance of survival... my garden and piece of paradise helped me heal.
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I was 37 when I was diagnosed - our children were 5 and 7, and our village enveloped us in support.
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Bowel cancer never occurred to me even once in that time, I was only 34 and with no risk factors.
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I was 31 when diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer, and 5 months pregnant with my second IVF baby.
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I was 34 with two very young daughters when I was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer, after intense stomach pains.
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I’m a 'half full' kind of guy... holding on to what the Dr said, “it looked early, I had a good shot at beating it."
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I remember the doctor saying “It definitely won’t be bowel cancer, you’re too young."
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We really hope my journey can inspire others battling this dreaded disease to step out with a positive mindset.
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Some days I take optimistic steps forward, some days I retreat in fear. I miss my life pre-cancer.
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I have a great appreciation for my scars – they’re beautiful proof that I am alive and I’m here.
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The colonoscopist was like, “everything is pretty good, but THAT shouldn’t be there."
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Thankfully it turned out to be a small tumour with 85% chance of cure.
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I have become circumspect about the whole thing. I just think it is what it is and I just have to deal with it.
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Dr Anne Mathieson is a 36-year old GP and bowel cancer survivor - offering a unique perspective as a medical advisor.
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I think because I have always been "too young" to get bowel cancer, they never thought to check.
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If you are wondering whether to get that 'little symptom' checked or not - go to your GP!
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When someone says life is too short, treat every day like it’s your last. Maybe we should.
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To put it into perspective, a month after visiting my G.P, I was being discharged from hospital. Read more of Marcel's story here:
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Life was trucking along beautifully. I was 39, fit, healthy. Then I read a story about a woman’s diagnosis with bowel cancer. Read more:
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Jonny had always been fit and healthy. He ate well, exercises, and looks after himself.
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A couple of thousand dollars cost to personally fund a colonoscopy is a small price to pay for an early diagnosis. Read more here:
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I was fortunate that my GP was thorough and followed up on my test results.
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I was active and health conscious, and I turned to Dr Google when I thought my symptoms were down to food intolerances. Read more:
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Anna was fit and healthy and didn’t think she fitted the profile of a bowel cancer patient.
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I went to the GP requesting a full check-up and specially requested a Bowel Screening Kit. The test came back positive. Read my story here.
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I noticed blood intermittently for three weeks before going to the doctor.
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Despite displaying all of the symptoms of bowel cancer, I was put in the box of “young, fit and healthy”.
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Because I was in my late 30s, I went through a drawn-out process and delays.
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I noticed blood intermittently for three weeks before going to the doctor.
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I personally think the biggest challenge in cancer is the mental battle, not the physical one.
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Nothing could prepare me for the journey that I’ve taken over the last 18 months.
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They say hindsight is a great thing and that is true. I now realise I was showing signs something wasn't right back on January 06. Read more.
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Hi my name is Jewel Brown and last year at the age of 30 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Bowel Cancer. Read my story here:
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In April 2016 at age 38 Renee underwent surgery to remove a tumour from her bowel. Read more of her story here:
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Stefan was 47 when he was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer.
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My name is Anita, I’m 38 and I have survived cancer twice. My story with bowel cancer started when my Nana died from it. Read more here:
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I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon Cancer 4 years ago. What followed was a year long rollercoaster ride of Radio, Chemo and Surgery.
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I just want to make sure that anybody that has the symptoms – please get them checked, I didn’t, don’t make my mistake. Read more.
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Age 50+

"I was working full time, more active than I had been for some time thought it would never happen to me..."
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"I noticed a few signs of blood, the odd time, on my toilet paper.. at different times over about 4 months."
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"I'm telling my story to help others, and to encourage anyone who has the opportunity to get screened."
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"... In my mind cancer was a death sentence. Which of course it wasn’t because I am still here, alive and kicking."
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My story is a recollection of my cancer journey which is raw, thought provoking, distressing, educational and yet humorous.
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"If I had not done the FIT [the bowel screening] test in January I would not have realised I had cancer..."
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"I would not wish this on any family, and hope these stories can help someone to have the courage to get tested."
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After 10 years of trying to get a diagnosis, Sara was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer in Dec 2022 after a self funded surgery.
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There is a history of bowel cancer in my family; my mother having died at 48 and my brother having died at 36 from it.
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I had noticed blood in my stool and went to doctor who referred me for colonoscopy, I had cancer, it had been there a while...
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[The Doctor] said I was so anemic she was surprised I was conscious and able to function... So began Bowel Cancer Act I...
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My cancer has taken away from me many things, but I have gained tremendous support from my family and friends.
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Even though I was well aware of our family history, I went through life trying to avoid thinking about it.
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If having cancer has taught me anything, it's forging through. I've done things that I never thought I'd do.
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Back from the brink. Get checked at the first miniscule inkling that something may be amiss.
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I switched into how do I make this journey my journey.
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I take life a day at a time and make it my priority to find joy every day.
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Never let the fear of cancer stop you finding out if you have it or not. Finding out early really is the best cure.
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Never in my mind did I ever think I would ever get cancer.
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I am well and encouraged by my follow up care, it is now all behind me.
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 Don't be afraid to see your doctor if you have any symptoms that are worrying you.
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I experienced some family stress almost 5 years ago so I decided to visit my GP for a check.
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John had turned 67, retired and was happily setting up a small part time financial advisory service.
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Having made it past 60 relatively unscathed I had no real concerns with my health...
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Patrick's daughter Rachel didn’t know anything about bowel cancer until it struck her family twice.
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Family perspective

Ryan was only 22 when he was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer, being told “you are far too young”.
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It is two years since I lost my best friend. I try to really live, and to count my blessings.
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Bike To Fight. He is not only my dad he is also my best mate.
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My husband was diagnosed after repeatedly being fobbed off by the GP.
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No one deserves to die of Bowel Cancer. Everyone deserves time, dignity and hope.
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Our ambassador Jenny-May Clarkson shares how her brother's death from bowel cancer affected her family.
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My wife Dominique will always be remembered as a loving mother who gave everything of herself.
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My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer at just 42 years old, on our youngest child’s birthday.
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Dad won't ever get to meet any grandchildren or walk my sister down the aisle.
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Patrick's daughter Rachel didn’t know anything about bowel cancer until it struck her family twice.
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Life was trucking along beautifully. I was 39, fit, healthy. Then I read a story about a woman’s diagnosis with bowel cancer. Read more:
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Jonny had always been fit and healthy. He ate well, exercises, and looks after himself.
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A couple of thousand dollars cost to personally fund a colonoscopy is a small price to pay for an early diagnosis. Read more here:
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I was fortunate that my GP was thorough and followed up on my test results.
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I was active and health conscious, and I turned to Dr Google when I thought my symptoms were down to food intolerances. Read more:
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Anna was fit and healthy and didn’t think she fitted the profile of a bowel cancer patient.
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Despite displaying all of the symptoms of bowel cancer, I was put in the box of “young, fit and healthy”.
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Our ambassador Jenny-May Clarkson shares how her brother's death from bowel cancer affected her family.
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Health professionals

'My advice is if you’re worried about your symptoms, even if they seem minor, see your GP'.
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Dr Anne Mathieson is a 36-year old GP and bowel cancer survivor - offering a unique perspective as a medical advisor.
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We’re all working to make sure that bowel cancer is something Kiwis can talk about.
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If you’re concerned about your doctor’s diagnosis, keep going back or get a second opinion.
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In the last 20 years, no new drugs have been approved in New Zealand specifically for bowel cancer.
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Only 10% of bowel cancer is inherited, so the way you live does have an impact says Professor Frizelle who treats bowel cancer patients almost everyday.
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"Without chemo my oncologist gave me 10% chance of survival. With chemo, a 30% chance..."
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"I was diagnosed in November 2021 with stage 3 sigmoid colon cancer. My children were 6, 4 and 3."
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A massive stage 3 tumour was discovered with surgery 4 weeks later. If it wasn’t for my doctor...
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When I turned to flush I noticed something in my poop that looked like dark red lines...
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I was diagnosed at the age of 26, with stage 3B bowel cancer, while I was 28 weeks pregnant...
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[The Doctor] said I was so anemic she was surprised I was conscious and able to function... So began Bowel Cancer Act I...
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It’s a scary thing to be told you have Cancer. I was 44, owned a busy cafe, I was a Mum, and a Wife...
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I noticed blood intermittently for three weeks before going to the doctor.
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I personally think the biggest challenge in cancer is the mental battle, not the physical one.
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I just want to make sure that anybody that has the symptoms – please get them checked, I didn’t, don’t make my mistake. Read more.
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