Nicola’s Story

“On Monday the 22nd April 2024, Nicola and her family were given the shocking news, she had Bowel Cancer, that had spread to her liver. Within four hours, Nic, underwent surgery for five hours to remove the tumour in her bowel. Nic is currently recovering from this massive surgery.

Nic is 42 years old, with 3 young girls. They are 12, 8, and 4 years old. This has come as a huge shock, as she had very few symptoms. As we can all imagine, the next few days and months will be challenging. Andrew has written, “”We don’t know what the future holds for our family as yet. The next weeks are going to be long and challenging””.

Funds will be allocated towards providing access to private health care (An initial consultation with a specialist at Mercy Hospital, an MRI, and any additional tests, and appointments required). Also access to complementary therapies (Massage, reiki, reflexology, integrated health, special dietary requirements, complementary treatments), and to pay any essential bills for their home.

If funds are required to go towards an unfunded treatments/drugs then we will update donors to let them know.

Our aim would be to raise funds to ease the financial pressure. And, to help the family with some things for Nic’s direct benefit around the home.

Unfortunately, Nic did not have medical insurance.

Nic is one of life’s gems, she is a beautiful person, with the kindest heart. She is always so supportive and caring of others. Now is our chance to help her and her young family.”

If you want to support Nicola and her family, her GiveaLittle page is here