Helping you detect and diagnose bowel cancer

Bowel Cancer NZ aims to increase early diagnosis by educating health professionals and the community about bowel cancer prevention and symptoms, and promoting participation in New Zealand’s bowel cancer screening programme. This includes providing helpful literature, encouraging Kiwis to talk about their symptoms, and sharing stories of diagnosis, treatment and outcomes.

We’re behind you all the way

In recent years, we’ve supported health professionals in every way possible, including:

  • Attending GP conferences nationwide, 2014-19
  • Attending Gastro 2018 conference
  • Attending Cancer Care Crossroads conference at Parliament, 2019
  • Attending various huis and fonos
  • Distributing mediboard campaigns and literature to over 800 GPs, surgeries and hospitals nationwide
  • Creating educational tools for GPs and patients, including the helpful booklets listed below

Download or order our ‘Symptoms of Bowel Cancer’ booklet
Download or order our ‘Never Too Young’ booklet
Download or order our ‘Living beyond bowel cancer’ booklet

Bowel Cancer NZ Supporters

“Early diagnosis saves lives, it’s as simple as that.”

“Bowel cancer is currently the third most common cancer worldwide with rates in highly industrialised and wealthy countries more than 25 times that of some Asian and African nations. In New Zealand, we have one of the highest rates per capita of bowel cancer in the world, with 1,200 deaths to the disease each year.
That’s why, as medical professionals, it’s critical that we stay up to speed with the latest news and best practice in diagnosis and treatments and that we remain vigilant about checking symptoms. Early diagnosis saves lives, it’s as simple as that.”

Bowel Cancer NZ Supporters

Professor Frank Frizelle, Professor of Colorectal Surgery, Editor in Chief, New Zealand Medical Journal, NZMA Chair’s Award Winner 2018