November 15, 2019
Our chairperson Trisha Cooney recently attended the Medical Technology Association of NZ, MedTech Showcase in Parliament, hosted by the Minister of Health.
Trisha said, “It was a great experience to support Olympus at their stand and to be able to provide a patient voice, both by being a survivor myself and representing Bowel Cancer NZ.”
The aim of the MedTech Showcase was to raise awareness of the value of innovative medical technology to New Zealand patients and the healthcare system. 16 suppliers showcased a variety of technology, and Olympus elected to follow a patient journey in the early detection and treatment of bowel cancer as they have a range of technology that can add value to improved patient outcomes.
Olympus’ hands-on display included a pathology microscope for accurate diagnosis, an endoscopy tower equipped with a colonoscope and used on a colon model to simulate visualisation of the colon, as well as polyp snares and an electrosurgery unit used to facilitate minimally invasive therapy.
Olympus said having a representative from Bowel Cancer NZ enabled a broader discussion of the value to patients and their whānau in receiving early diagnosis and non-invasive treatment. Attendees at the Showcase included stakeholders in government, Pharmac, and the Ministry of Health who can all have an impact on the access to medical devices available to patients. Representing the patient voice provided context to the impact these decisions make on patient wellness.