August 15, 2024

We are absolutely blown away by the generosity and drive Kiwis have put behind Bowel Cancer Awareness Month 2024 this June.

We asked everyday New Zealanders to help us reach as many people as possible, so they know the symptoms of bowel cancer and get checked if they have concerns. And WOW! The final numbers are in: 

  • 9.45 million+ views on our nationwide awareness advertising on billboards, posters, buses, radio, social media…
  • 5,000+ people engaged with our symptom awareness tools, from completing our online symptom checker to ordering awareness resources.
  • 550+ downloads of our advocacy letter fighting for better bowel cancer outcomes.
  • $131,720 raised so we can raise awareness and help save lives all year round.

The ripple effect of Awareness Month is still being felt as we’ve heard back from YOU on the impact bowel cancer has in your community. We also learnt that 38% of you sought medical advice after learning the symptoms of bowel cancer – 56% were referred for further investigation.

“My GP listened to my concerns and sent me for a colonoscopy even though I was ‘young, fit, and healthy, and unlikely to have it.’ I’m glad he listened to me as I did have bowel cancer.”

This was the life-saving impact of everyone making the most noise they could to raise awareness! Ka pai Aotearoa New Zealand! Thank you for your mahi, your valuable time, and your endless support. Your actions really do help save lives from bowel cancer.

Read our full report from Awareness Month to see all the incredible ways you made a difference this June.

Awareness Month Review 2024