Bowel Cancer NZ

Yields: 4 servings




  1. Preheat oven to 200 degree C. Cut pumpkin into 1cm cubes, place on lined baking tray and sprinkle with nutmeg. Bake for 20 minutes, until softened. Remove from oven and set aside to cool slightly.
  2. While pumpkin is cooking, cut leek and Chinese leeks into thin slices and place in a small frying pan. Add butter and sauté on a low heat for 8-10 minutes, until softened. Set aside to cool slightly.
  3. Place walnuts into a small food processor and pulse until finely ground. Add flour, baking powder and butter and pulse until mix resembles fine breadcrumbs. Remove from processor and place into a medium sized bowl. Add cold water and mix gently with a knife. Do not over mix as this will make your pastry tough.
  4. Grease a metal tart dish (12cm wide by 28cm long) with a little butter or oil. Press pastry into dish, working it up the sides, allowing it to be slightly higher at the top of the dish (as pastry may shrink slightly during cooking). Once pastry is evenly pressed into pan, place cooked leeks into base. Top with cooked pumpkin, parsley, thyme and feta. Place cherry tomatoes evenly over top of tart.
  5. Whisk egg and cream together and pour mixture over tart evenly. Sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper. Place tart back into the oven to cook for 30-35 minutes, until golden brown and egg mixture is set. Remove from oven and allow it to cool slightly, before cutting into four pieces.
  6. Serve with mixed salad greens.