Bruce’s Story

“I was caught by the bowel screening process, I had radiation and chemo pill treatment to try to shrink the tumour last year then on January 22nd I had my bowel surgery and groin lymph node removal, had a colostomy bag, then got it reversed on the 17th April this year, now just waiting for the wound to heal. Paul Fagan was my surgeon, I must say he was great, I couldn’t have picked a better surgeon, also the health system has been great through it all. Got the bowel screening pack in the mail, hesitated about doing it because I have played sports all my life, lots of table tennis, running, walking, swimming and I thought I was too fit and healthy. I have also eaten healthy all my life so thought it would never happen to me and the screening would be a waste of time. In the end my wife convinced me to just do the test. It came back positive and so the journey began. Colonoscopy with 10 polyps and a mid rectum tumour.

After seeing Paul Fagan the bowel surgeon he suggested radiation and chemo pill treatment to reduce the size of the tumour. Six weeks of that starting September 2023. Had bowel surgery to remove the tumour and lymph nodes on 22nd Jan 2024, had a colostomy bag until 17th April 2024 when it was removed. My surgeon Paul Fagan was great and the NZ hospital experience has been great as well, no complaints.

I was 72 years old when it was diagnosed. I’m telling my story to help others, and to encourage anyone who has the opportunity to get screened.