Chris’s Story

I am a 56 yr old Kiwi Male.

In early 2023 – @ 54 yrs – I noticed a few signs of blood, the odd time, on my toilet paper.. at different times over about 4 months.
In May 2023 I went to my GP for a medical, to renew my HT license..
And mentioned the blood I had noticed.
My GP recommended I have a Colonoscopy ASAP.
I do not have medical insurance, but chose to pay for a private colonoscopy to get it done asap.

They discovered I had a 3cm turmour in my Sigmoid Bowel area.
This was June 2023 – @ 55 yrs old.

I then went under the ADHB Oncolgy dept.

In July, I had Scans and started a 3 month course of chemotherapy.

I was diagnosed with Stage.4. CANCER, that had spread to my Liver – 6 x tumours in my liver.

In November 2023, I had Liver surgery,
Removing 20 % of my liver and ablation of the other tumours.
This Operation was successful to remove the Cancer from my Liver.

In January 2024, I started a further 3 months of Chemo.

I May 2024, I had my Bowel operation.
A section of my Sigmoid Bowel was removed and a temporary Stoma was made, to give the bowel time to heal.

I am so pleased to say , my body is Totally clear of Cancer, and I am on the road to full recovery – hopefully by late 2024.

Regular checks to follow up and keep an eye on things.

I have beaten the Cancer and stayed Positive and Optimistic throughout this journey..

June 2023 – Stage.4. Bowel and Liver Cancer diagnosis.

June 2024 – Clear of Cancer..
Dealing with a stoma bag for 2 months – then reverse the stoma hopefully by August 2024. And work towards full fitness again..

I owe so much to the support from my Family & Friends. The awesome Nurses & Doctors etc from ADHB Oncolgy and Gen surgery.

ALWAYS having a POSITIVE attitude and never giving up !
I first went to my GP in May 2023 for a medical to renew my HT license. And mentioned to my GP, that I had noticed
some red smears on my toilet paper a few times in the months before.
My GP strongly advised I have a Colonoscopy asap.
I do not have medical insurance , and decided not to wait on the public wait list, And chose to pay for a private procedure which was done within a week.

On the day of my Colonoscopy – 2nd June 2023 – I was told I had a 3cm tumour in my Sigmoid bowel.. learning I had Cancer was a huge shock.
After scans it was shown the cancer had moved to my Liver – 6 tumours.

I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer – June 2023.
Portacath surgically inserted into my chest and I started Chemotherapy July 2023.
Liver operation in Nov 2023.
More Chemo for 3 months. And bowel resection in May 2024.
I have a temporary stoma bag, to give my large bowel time to repair.

June 2024, I am delighted to now be clear of Cancer. Before my diagnosis I was fairly busy on a daily basis. I have my own business. And otherwise active on various, hobbies, renovation jobs & maintenance projects..

The diagnosis made me reassess my life and take a step back, spend more time with my Family.
And still keeping active as my body allowed me too.
Always making an effort to not worry about the little things, and enjoy the important things..

I have been married to Sharyn for 29 years.
My daughter Brooke is 27 yrs, my son Layne 25 yrs.
My granddaughter Emilia is nearly 2 yrs old.
I have been very lucky to have amazing support from Family & Friends, my staff and colleagues..
This I am very grateful for. Stay POSITIVE. Always take an Optimistic outlook on life. Listen to the professionals- they do know best.
Accept Chemotherapy and the treatments to come – it will be tough – You will have bad and good days.. but it will hopefully deal with the cancer or at least prolong your life.
Eat Good Food.
Exercise when you can, and listen to your body. Keep active as your body allows you too. It will keep the Chemo circulating and destroying the cancer.
You don’t have to give up all of life’s pleasures – But enjoy everything in moderation.
Do Not push yourself..
Enjoy life, treat yourself to a nice Steak, Wine or a Beer, dark chocolate.
Do Not starve yourself.
Your body needs energy from food !
Protein and carbs, fruit and veges, to repair and support you.
Do not be dictated to what is written on the Internet – read it if you chose, But do not let it control your thoughts.
The Doctors and Nurses at Oncology know Best !
Ask and listen to their advice.

I am still going through the effects of post Bowel & Liver surgery – I have a temporary stoma bag and still months of recovery.
But now, I do not have any Cancer in my body – and will be on a monitoring program for many years to come.
I am very fortunate to have had another chance at life – and will continue to be positive and enjoy my life ahead.